Mefinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Members of the European Parliament visit the Energy Evolution Center

Transport seminar with Biodriv Öst 28 March

Biodriv Öst conducts its annual meeting with seminar at the Energy Evolution Center.

Some of the speakers are  Emma Wiesner (C), EU parliamentarian and Martin Ahrne, electrification and biofuels expert, BioDriv Öst, who shows how the EU affects our vehicle and fuel choices.

The event is open to interested parties subject to availability.

Time: March 28 at 12.00 – 15.30

Read the invitation for more programs and information about registration: Link to the invitation.

Coffee with lectures on hydrogen and aviation

Mathilda Cederblad, from Mälardalen University, talks about hydrogen solutions for flights and airports at the Energy Evolution Center.

Time: March 14 at 15 – 16

Location: Energy Evolution Center, Kungsgatan 61. It is possible to participate digitally.

Registration: Email: eric.soderberg2(at), indicate whether you wish to participate physically or digitally.

Visit by Fredrik Wallin from Mälardalen University

On February 10, Fredrik Wallin from MDU will visit us at the Energy Evolution Center. Fredrik will talk about MDU's research in energy flexibility. See more info about the event at

A Good Action - with home delivery

Local coordinated home deliveries – a test project for Eskilstuna residents

In a time of uncertainty and restrictions that hit physical trade hard, an already ongoing work on coordinated freight transport has developed into home delivery of goods to Eskilstuna's residents. These days, the service is being launched in a unique collaboration between Position Eskilstuna, Tuna Park, Retuna Återbruksgalleria, Freelway and Energy Evolution Center.

The pilot project will be launched in the coming days A good deed – with a home run where Eskilstuna's residents have the opportunity to order goods from connected stores and have them delivered to their home already the same day. In this way, you can continue to shop at home and support the local business community.

We have of course seen a greater demand for being able to shop safely from a distance but still locally, so it was a matter of course for us to be part of this pilot project, says Veronica Gustafsson center manager at Tuna Park.

The project A good deed – with a home run has sprung from an already ongoing work at the Energy Evolution Center that has been further developed in collaboration with the initiative Shop for Eskilstuna. In a resource-efficient way, the project establishes a distribution chain that ensures home deliveries to private individuals. The deliveries are coordinated via Freelway's innovative digital transport system where local actors work together to deliver goods directly to the customer's home.

We want the residents of Eskilstuna to continue to be able to take advantage of our stores' fantastic recycled selection. Therefore, it feels good to be able to offer home deliveries that are also coordinated for reduced climate impact, says Sofia Bystedt center manager at ReTuna Recycling Gallery.

A good deed – with a home run must contribute to efficient utilization of resources, reduce the risk of infection, increase service and at the same time benefit our local business life.

Emelie Gard, chairman Position Eskilstuna, 070-303 77 43
Veronica Gustafsson, center manager Tuna Park, 073-359 17 77
Sofia Bystedt, center manager ReTuna recycling gallery, 016-106427

Orders placed on weekdays before 14:00 in the connected stores will be delivered the same day no later than 22:00. Read which stores are connected to

Shop for Eskilstuna wants to increase awareness of shopping locally in Eskilstuna's business community. It is not just about business between citizens and businesses, but also between businesses and businesses or between private and public. If more people choose to shop at home, more people have a job to go to, it contributes to a greater range and increased service while we create a living city.

The project and campaign Handla för Eskilstuna is an initiative stemming from Business Plan Eskilstuna and has its basis in the unique cooperation regarding trade that is ongoing between Position Eskilstuna, Tuna Park, Gamla staden, Torshälla handel, Folkesta trade area and Destination Eskilstuna.

Energy Evolution Center is Eskilstuna's arena for innovative energy solutions and is a collaboration between Eskilstuna Municipality and the Energy Agency

Freelway is a digital platform for coordinating sustainable transport


An Energy Line takes shape!

Along Gredbyvägen, which is now being rebuilt, an Energy Route will be created. The first thing that will happen is that one large and two small "Energy Stars" are placed along the line. These have been designed by a student in information design at Mälardalen University. More info to come, stay tuned!

Energy consulting, an important part of our work!

Our municipal energy and climate advisors and energy coaches are a very important resource for the Energy Evolution Center, and we are therefore delighted that the team has been strengthened with two more employees who will support Eskilstuna's companies in their work with energy efficiency and conversion.

Peter Adolfsson (first from left) has, with his interest in both people and technology, gained experience from various roles within both the technology and energy industries. Today, he combines the role of Energy Coach at Eskilstuna municipality with the role of Professional Coach and leadership consultant at Khraft AB. Peter both thrives and is driven in environments where people and technology collaborate and where the coaching approach creates space for both action and learning. Together with his colleagues, he is of course super keen to help Eskilstuna's companies become more efficient and increase their competitiveness.

Anders Olsson (third from the left) has extensive experience as a management consultant, business leader and entrepreneur. He comes most from Eskilstuna Ölkultur where he is one of the founders. Anders has a deep and long-standing interest in energy and climate issues and of course has solar cells on the roof and drives an electric car. He is super keen to help Eskilstuna's companies become more energy efficient and increase their competitiveness.

A warm welcome to the team, which already consists of Mattias Sjölund (second from the left) and Per Ekstorm (far right)!

Here you can read more about Eskilstuna's municipal energy and climate advice.

Now we are launching round 2 of NRGIZE, our program for startups

Round two of NRGIZE has now started and we have ten exciting and innovative companies in the program. The focus this time is on bringing together our talented companies with established players in the real estate industry in order to increase the pace of innovation and digitization in this way.

Here can you see which companies are ready for round 2 of NRGIZE.