Welcome to the conference on energy storage and renewable energy April 12-13
The Energy Evolution Center in collaboration with SERO* organizes a conference on energy storage. The conference addresses issues of energy storage from a broad perspective. The speakers highlight different innovations and we discuss energy storage with different techniques and methods without being limited to a specific solution.
For those of you who have the opportunity, Friday begins with a study visit to Sundby Wind Park built by the company Cloudberry. *
The conference on Friday is fully booked and will be held on site in Eskilstuna! Email eric.soderberg2@eskilstuna.se for a place in the queue!
It is possible to participate in Teams on Saturday, see link:
Link to Energy Conference Saturday
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 367 911 405 836
Password: 6Tt6aa
Connect via a video conferencing device
Client Organization Key:
Video ID: 123 680 411 6
More information
For organizers:
Meeting options |
Reset dial-in PIN
Link to SERO Annual Meeting Saturday
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 329 033 301 212
Password: vzsuUz
Connect via a video conferencing device
Client Organization Key:
Video ID: 121 258 901 2
More information
For organizers:
Meeting options |
Reset dial-in PIN
12-13 April. In the registration, indicate which of the activities you wish to participate in:
1. Study visit (fully booked)
2. Conference Friday (lunch is fully booked, a few seats remain)
3. Dinner (to be paid for by the participants)
3. Conference Saturday (There are places left)
Register on this page, scroll down
Charges: The conference is free of charge and the project offers lunch and coffee on both days. Dinner in the evening is paid for by the participants.
Questions: Eric Söderberg, 072-977 79 36, eric.soderberg2@eskilstuna.se or Anders Olsson, 070-682 90 16
We have arranged a discount on hotels, see:
Clarion Collection Bolinder Munktell
Mobile: +46703303686|
beatrix.rosendal@strawberry.se, Munktelltorget | 633 43, Eskilstuna |
Single room 1095/night, double room 1195/night. Booking code "Energy Conference"

See program in PDF:
new program spread
- SERO, Sweden's Energy Associations National Organisation, www.sero.se
* https://www.cloudberry.no/project/sundbyvindpark