Mefinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Welcome to an energy breakfast with the Fasadgruppen!

Stefan Forsberg from Fasadgruppen talks about the requirements and solutions available for property owners regarding energy reduction.

Stefan works with the Smartfront method, a patented facade solution where ventilation and supply air ducts are added to the facade.
Fasadgruppen are also new tenants at the Energy Evolution Center.

We start with breakfast at 07.50, presentation at 08.20. We are ready by no later than 08.55.
Location: Energy Evolution Center, local Biokraftverket
Register in Outlook or here in the registration form below.

Come and listen to Stefan who says that too little is happening in the property industry. Now we speed up and improve energy efficiency!
Feel free to invite your colleagues.




07:50 - 08:55

Energy Evolution Center, Kungsgatan 61, Local Biopower Plant



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